Job title and basic description of worst job ever
We have a winner!!! 12/4/09
Hello, My name is Tom, I am a Cash Retrevier for Potpourri Savings and Loan.Winner: Tom
I was going thru the files today, and noticed that you are ten months behind on your payments. I understand that you are not working, and that your car has been repossed, and that they are forclosing on your home. Without having those bills starring you in the face any longer, it should be easy for you to catch up, and make your $61.33 payments to us in a timely manner.
If you would like I can set it up to where we make an automatic withdrawl from your checking accout, and you will always be current.
Hello... Hello..... Mr Jones, are you there?
Method of Selection: That seems like a horrible job. I've always wondered how people can be in that line of work and not feel awful. Plus, I can't imagine many people are happy to hear from them.
Hello, My name is Tom, I am a Cash Retrevier for Potpourri Savings and Loan.
I was going thru the files today, and noticed that you are ten months behind on your payments. I understand that you are not working, and that your car has been repossed, and that they are forclosing on your home. Without having those bills starring you in the face any longer, it should be easy for you to catch up, and make your $61.33 payments to us in a timely manner.
If you would like I can set it up to where we make an automatic withdrawl from your checking accout, and you will always be current.
Hello... Hello..... Mr Jones, are you there?
I don't know what happened here. This comment was supposed to be under the "Up/down" comment.
Seeking administrative assistant for Ron Jeremy.
Size 36 DD bust or larger
No inhibitions
Must be comfortable being fondled
Must love hairy, sweaty men
Some light typing
Position open to men or women.
Inspired Dreamer..........
You get my vote....
You'll try and try to impress,
But some days you'll just make a mess.
Pundits will rate you,
Rush just might hate you,
When you're President of the U.S.
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