Want the winner's badge for your site? Here's the code:
Betty @ a corgi in southern california - 11/17/09 - Thank You
Cindy (@GeminiWilder) - 01/05/10 - Old Lady
Eric - 02/02/10 - Weekend
Heather - 03/23/10 - Troubled Teen
Inspired Dreamer - 04/20/10 - Travel Packing
Isabella - 01/19/10 - Road Trip
JazzBumpa - 02/23/10 - Dance Machine
Melinda (@mstacer) - 04/13/10 - Stranded
Melinda (@mstacer) - 05/04/10 - Rusted
Mellodee - 12/15/09 - Traditions
Mellodee - 12/29/09 - Winter Memory
Monica Manning - 03/30/10 - Vacation
Princess Andy (@PrincessAndy) - 11/10/09 - Prom
Ryan Ashley Scott (@ryanashleyscott) - 10/27/09 - World Peace Plan
Ryan Ashley Scott (@ryanashleyscott) - 01/12/10 - Superhero
s'me - 12/22/09 - Treat
Sarah @ My Drunk Monkeys - 11/03/09 - 911 Call
Taylorvillegirl (@GirlyBitzGirl) - 12/08/09 - Sick
TMC @ Return to Rural (@returntorural) - 11/24 - Late to Dinner
Tom - 12/1/09 - Newlyweds
Vicki - 01/26/10 - First Day of School
Already Counted Towards an Ultimate Win
Bethany (@Auburnrose) - 02/09/10 - Good Luck
Bethany (@Auburnrose) - 03/09/10 - First Job
C. Beth (@cbethblog) - 02/16/10 - Jealous
davidseven - 03/02/10 - List
Marc - 03/16/10 - MacGyver
Sunday January 1st, 2023
*A Few Final Thoughts*
While it sometimes feels like this blog began a lifetime ago, it actually
began two lifetimes ago - before both Max, now ten, and ...
2 years ago