A couple of weeks ago, I took a poll. It confirmed what I think I already knew - people weren't big fans of the Friday Storytime cue. Not really a shock - participation was always low.
Last week, I used a Wildcard entry on Friday. But now I have the task before me of assigning a new ongoing category to Friday.
So today's Friday question is: What should the new Friday cue category be?
The best suggestion I've heard so far is to have Friday be an advice column. I'd pose question or situation, you would respond with advice.
If you'd rather leave suggestions anonymously for whatever reason, I've set up a Stixy board that will allow you to leave a post-it note for suggestions.
Please, however you do it, let me know what you think. I've got a week to figure it out before next Friday's cue is due for posting!
There may be a winner, there may be no winners. There may be a poll, there may be a dictatorship. There may be cake! I'll keep you posted.
Sunday January 1st, 2023
*A Few Final Thoughts*
While it sometimes feels like this blog began a lifetime ago, it actually
began two lifetimes ago - before both Max, now ten, and ...
2 years ago
You could do a "world's worst" day. Like, World's Worst Postman:
"Dear Mrs. Smith, sorry for the delay in your mail delivery. I held it back because I was still reading your Victoria's Secret catalog, and of course the letter from your cousin. Dude, she's messed up."
I think the advice column is a great idea.
"Mr Jones, I have read your manuscript, and had my associate read it, and we feel that a 1946 page book on the growth of cobwebs currenly has no market."
We suggest that you do not try a rewrite, or throw it away, but place it in your writing area as a reminder to yourself that you have the ability to write on any subject.
I vote for cake!
actually I like the advice column thingie; people always enjoy giving advice (even if they don't know what they are talking about)
Love the advice column idea. And the "world's worst" idea. Both would be very fun. I think the advice column is my favorite though....
Seems we have two viable options. And one who wants cake (which is ALWAYS an option). I think I'll leave this open until Monday for more input and then put up a poll until Thursday night.
Advice column sounds good.
How about "When I was (age) this happened."
How about your FIRST Driving test
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